(832) 975-0366
Houston Bankruptcy Lawyers
Don’t face bankruptcy alone. Our law firm has provided passionate and expert bankruptcy legal representation for over ten years. We can help you file and navigate your Chapter 7, Chapter 11, or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Whether you have credit card debt, IRS debt, foreclosure issues, financial judgments against you, repossessions, or other business financial problems; our bankruptcy attorneys can help. Call now for a no obligation consultation. We will compassionately help you through this stressful financial situation.

Your Bankruptcy law firm
Bankruptcy Attorney | Houston (832) 975-0366
Houston Bankruptcy Lawyer Reviews
Many of our clients start the process by searching Google for something like “bankruptcy attorney near me” so they can read the online reviews. We have provided a few of our Client reviews below.
Texans who need debt relief should know that they are not alone. There is a compassionate and caring bankruptcy attorney in Houston who is here to help. Call (832) 975-0366 to speak to an attorney today.
Bankruptcy Lawyers Houston
Our lawyers will help you understand the Texas bankruptcy laws and provide you with bankruptcy information specific to your particular situation. Many of our clients do not realize that the bankruptcy laws are designed to help you protect your future, and your assets. They do this while helping you work to eliminate your debt and get a fresh start on your finances.
Allow our attorneys to assist you in making an informed decision about filing personal bankruptcy. Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be difficult to understand without the skilled legal representation of an experienced bankruptcy lawyer.
All situations vary, but the most probable case is that only one chapter of the Bankruptcy Code is the best fit for your situation, even though each can help you eliminate debt obligations and provide protection against repossession and lawsuits.
The most likely scenario is that you need help getting out of debt fast! Call our office now at (832) 975-0366 to consult with our Houston based bankruptcy attorneys.
Filing for Bankruptcy in Houston, TX
The Bankruptcy laws were created to help individuals and businesses who have encountered serious financial hardship get a fresh start financially.
In making your decision to file for bankruptcy in Texas, you should consider that bankruptcy may be one way to avoid ruining your credit record for the rest of your life.
Of course, if you can’t pay your debts on time, then your credit record may be permanently affected. However, the good new is that after our law firm helps you to file bankruptcy, then many, if not most, of your debts may be discharged permanently. Which just might give you the breathing room, and fresh start that you are looking for.
Many clients come to us because they have been overwhelmed for too long with bills that they have been unable to pay. However, our clients who are able to stay on top of all of their debts after they emerge from bankruptcy will most likely experience improved credit records.
What Happens to My Credit After Filing for Bankruptcy?
You will most likely be able to get credit after your case goes through the bankruptcy courts.
In fact, many credit card companies are generally now much more likely to issue a card to someone who has cleared his or her debt load. After filing, if you want to purchase a house or car again in the future, you should be able to if you’ve taken the steps needed to rebuild your credit.
Houston Bankruptcy Attorney – Call Today
You can speak to a personal bankruptcy attorney, or business bankruptcy lawyer today for a no obligation consult. Just call (832) 975-0366, or send us an email on our contact page. We’ve also been proud to recommend an immigration attorney in Houston for certain callers.
Many of our clients are referred to us by their divorce lawyer, and they find that just taking the first step in this process will bring some immediate emotional relief. Extreme financial problems, like those that would lead to calling a bankruptcy attorney, can also negatively affect health, emotional well-being, and your relationships. Do not face this alone, or let it drag on any longer than it needs to. We are here to help.
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